Pictures and Drawings of Swaged Nipple 
Concentric Swaged Nipple


Eccentric Swaged Nipple

Dimensional Data




Outside Diameter

End To










Outside Diameter

End To



















1/4×1/8 13.7 10.3 57 3.1/2×3 101.6 88.9 203
3/8×1/8 17.1 10.3 64 4×1/4 114.3 13.7 229
3/8×1/8 17.1 13.7 64 4×3/8 114.3 17.1 229
1/2×1/8 21.3 10.3 70 4×1/2 114.3 21.3 229
1/2×1/4 21.3 13.7 70 4×3/4 114.3 26.7 229
1/2×3/8 21.3 17. 70 4×1 114.3 33.4 229
3/4×1/8 26.7 10.3 76 4×1.1/4 114.3 42.2 229
3/4×1/4 26.7 13.7 76 4×1.1/2 114.3 48.3 229
3/4x3x8 26.7 17.1 76 4×2 114.3 60.3 229
3/4×1/2 26.7 21.3 76 4×2.1/2 114.3 73.0 229
1×1/8 33.4 10.3 89 4×3 114.3 88.9 229
1×1/4 33.4 13.7 89 4×3.1/2 114.3 101.6 229
1×3/8 33.4 17.1 89 5×1/4 114.3 13.7 279
1×1/2 33.4 21.3 89 5×3/8 114.3 17.1 279
1×3/4 33.4 26.7 89 5×1/2 114.3 21.3 279
1.1/4×1/8 42.2 10.3 102 5×3/4 114.3 26.7 279
1.1/4×1/4 42.2 13.7 102 5×1 114.3 33.4 279
1.1/4×3/8 42.2 17.1 102 5×1.1/4 114.3 42.2 279
1.1/4×1/2 42.2 21.3 102 5×1.1/2 114.3 48.3 279
1.1/4×3/4 42.2 26.7 102 5×2 114.3 60.3 279
1.1/4×1 42.2 33.4 102 5×2.1/2 114.3 73.0 279
1.1/2×1/8 48.3 10.3 114 5×3 114.3 88.9 279
1.1/4×1/4 48.3 13.7 114 5×3.1/2 114.3 101.6 279
1.1/2×3/8 48.3 17.1 114 5×4 114.3 114.3 279
1.1/2×1/2 48.3 21.3 114 6×1/2 168.3 21.3 304
1.1/2×3/4 48.3 26.7 114 6×3/4 168.3 26.7 304
1.1/2×1 48.3 33.4 114 6×1 168.3 33.4 304
1.1/2×1.1/4 48.3 42.2 114 6×1.1/4 168.3 42.2 304
2×1/8 60.3 10.3 165 6×1.1/2 168.3 48.3 304
2×1/4 60.3 13.7 165 6×2 168.3 60.3 304
2×3/8 60.3 17.1 165 6×2.1/2 168.3 73.0 304
2×1/2 60.3 21.3 165 6×3 168.3 88.9 304
2×3/4 60.3 26.7 165 6×3.1/2 168.3 101.6 304
2×1 60.3 33.4 165 6×4 168.3 114.3 304
2×1.1/4 60.3 42.2 165 6×5 168.3 141.3 304
2×1.1/2 60.3 48.3 165 8×1 219.1 33.4 330
2.1/2×1/8 73.0 10.3 178 8×1.1/4 219.1 42.2 330
2×1/4 73.0 13.7 178 8×1.1/2 219.1 48.3 330
2.1/2×3/8 73.0 17.1 178 8×2 219.1 60.3 330
2.1/2×1/2 73.0 21.3 178 8×2.1/2 219.1 73.0 330
2.1/2×3/4 73.0 26.7 178 8×3 219.1 88.9 330
2.1/2×1 73.0 33.4 178 8×3.1/2 219.1 101.6 330
2.1/2×1.1/4 73.0 42.2 178 8×4 219.1 114.3 330
2.1/4×1.1/2 73.0 48.3 178 8×5 219.1 141.3 330
2.1/2×2 73.0 60.3 178 8×6 219.1 168.3 330
3×1/8 88.9 10.3 203 10×2 273.0 60.3 381
3×1/4 88.9 13.7 203 10×2.1/2 273.0 73.0 381
3×3/8 88.9 17.1 203 10×3 273.0 88.9 381
3×1/2 88.9 21.3 203 10×3.1/2 273.0 101.6 381
3×3/4 88.9 26.7 203 10×4 273.0 114.3 381
3×1 88.9 33.4 203 10×5 273.0 141.3 381
3×1.1/4 88.9 42.2 203 10×6 273.0 168.3 381
3×1.1/2 88.9 48.3 203 10×8 273.0 219.1 381
3×2 88.9 60.3 203 12×2 323.8 60.3 406
3×2.1/2 88.9 73.0 203 12×2.1/2 323.8 73.0 406
3.1/2×1/8 101.6 10.3 203 12×3 323.8 88.9 406
3.1/2×1/4 101.6 13.7 203 12×3.1/2 323.8 101.6 406
3.1/2×3/8 101.6 17.1 203 12×4 323.8 114.3 406
3.1/2×1/2 101.6 21.3 203 12×5 323.8 141.3 406
3.1/2×3/4 101.6 26.7 203 12×6 323.8 168.3 406
3.1/2×1 101.6 33.4 203 12×8 323.8 219.1 406
3.1/2×1.1/4 101.6 42.2 203 12×10 323.8 273.0 406
3.1/2×1.1/2 101.6 48.3 203        
3.1/2×2 101.6 60.3 203        
3.1/2×2.1/2 101.6 73.0 203        
"C" dimension is across octagon corners or a diameter as applicable.The 2.1/2" and 3" 3000LB and 2" 6000LB sizes have octagonal male and female ends; the other sizes are round.
Pictures and Drawings of Bull Plugs 
Dimension Data


Pipe Size


Outside Diameter


End To

End "B"


1/8 10.3 34
1/4 13.7 34
3/8 17.1 57
1/2 21.3 64
3/4 26.7 70
1 33.4 76
1.1/4 42.2 83
1.1/2 48.3 89
2 60.3 102
2.1/2 73 127
3 88.9 152
3.1/2 101.6 165
4 114.3 178
5 141.3 216
6 168.3 254
8 219.1 279
10 273.0 330
12 328.8 356